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Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 54 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
H. Baki

The Wonder of Rain

Who sends down rain from the sky in due measure-and We raise to life therewith a dead land; even so will you be raised [from the dead]. (Zukhruf,43.11) A person living fifty years ago would have fou read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
A. Sahin

Ibn Rushd on Anatomy

Ibn Rushd was one of the greatest intellectual geniuses in human history. He was acquainted with all the sciences of his time and an authority in several of them-philosophy, jurisprudence, astronomy, ... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Dr. O. Cetin

Compassion and Mercy

Human beings have always lived with troubles and hardships. It is the kind of troubles they face that changes, not the fact that they face them. Therefore, people in every age have looked for relief a... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Suat Yildirim

Sociological Principles of The Qur'an

Sociology is the study of events, trends and relationships in human societies. Through such study we learn the principles that societies are based upon, how they develop and which factors strengthen o... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
N. Butt


In all biological systems, the organism of the future is encoded in the macro molecular structure of DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid). It is this molecular architecture, present in every cell, that determi... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
M. A. Sahin

Discipline In The Home

Bringing up children successfully means caring for them so that they grow up to be independent, responsible human beings. That entails training them-as much through example as through precept-in a rou... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Ahmet Guc

Mary and Prophet Jesus

‘O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name is the Messiah [Christ] Jesus son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the Hereafter, and among those nearest [to God]. (Al ‘Imran, 3... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
The Fountain

Music of Rain

Drops of rain,as if smiles from the worlds beyond, Travel here and there seeking the seas they parted from. They fall with the sound of plucked lute-strings; And hearing it, the earth begins to bre... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
The Fountain

Reflections On The Existence Of The Creator (Issue 13)

All living creatures are formed out of the same elements. You were completely unknown to the whole world nine months before your birth. Like everybody else from the time of Adam and Eve you were an ob... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
N. Butt

Health Care For The Elderly

The dramatic growth in the number of elderly people is one of the most remarkable features of industrial societies in this century. People are living longer and enjoying an increased expectation of li... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Dr. Muhammed Ali Albar

Alcohol and Socio-Medical Problems

Alcohol has been used since antiquity for many purposes including real and imagined benefits: ‘As a social lubricant, aperitif and mild “anaesthetic” it holds pride of place; as a drug of addiction, a... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Questions for Today

How can we answer those who attribute the origin of existence to nature or the laws of nature or to matter or to chance or necessity? False arguments about the origin of existence Mediaeval European... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Ali Unal

Life in Other Places

Science is still unable to explain what life really is. This world is the arena where God manifests His Will from behind the veil of what we experience and describe as ‘natural causes’, but life is th... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
Y. Alan

The Cure

As he walked through the park to the hospital, he observed with special pleasure how the morning sunlight entered through the trees and down into the little petals of flowers. He was going to the hosp... read more..

Issue 13 (January - March 1996)
The Fountain

Evolution: A Theory in Crisis

Any large natural history museum in any Western city that has one must have an exhibit of man’s supposed descent from ape-like ancestors. And every biology schoolroom will have at least a wall-poster ... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
M. Fethullah Gulen

The Irresistible Power of Religion

In whatever way the world changes, however advanced sciences and technology are, and whatever changes take place in ways of thinking, the feeling of attachment to a religion has always been the primar... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
M. Koyuncu


Think of yourself as pilot of a light aircraft confronted with the task of completing, in one or two months, a journey involving 50 to 200 hours of flight. Imagine also that winds on average blow abou... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
P. Allister

Spiders: Master Hunters

Spiders are a species of arachnids in the family of animals called anthropods. All spiders are predatory, feeding mainly on insects, and are very efficient hunters. Many (not all) weave webs or traps ... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Y. Mermer

Qur'anic Epistemology

By Qur’anic epistemology, we mean how the Qur’an describes knowledge and the way to seek it. But you may ask, why look for an epistemology different from that of modern science? Doesn’t technology pro... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Dr. Muhammed Ali Albar

The Revival of Prophetic And Herbal Medicine

Introduction The example of Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, is explicitly commended in the Qur’an as the best pattern for believers to follow. Therefore, the practice and precepts of the Prophet... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
The Fountain

List of Virtue

A great and powerful emperor who longed to rule with justice and wisdom summoned one of his counsellors to his court. There, he commanded the cousellor to obtain the answers to a number of questions w... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
N. Aksoy

The Extraordinary Virtues of Mucus

Mucus is our first barrier against the outside world. It is found on the luminal side of most epithelial surfaces, for instance the mouth, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital tract, ... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
The Fountain


We are on a journey, equipped with belief and resolution, Walking without stopping to surmount all obstacles; With hopes fresh as days breaking after nights. And the future worlds appear in mists f... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
The Fountain

Reflections On The Existence of The Creator

In winter, the visible signs of vigorous plant and animal life all but disappear. Trees have lost all of their leaves, insects have said farewell to life, many reptiles have buried themselves in earth... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Dr. H. Ulucan

Cancer and Heredity

Cancer is a complex group of diseases which affect different cells and tissues in the body. It is characterized by the loss of normal cell control which results in unregulated growth, lack of differen... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Dr. S. Aksoy

What Makes A Person?

The definition of personhood, and the related questions of how to define the beginning and the end of a human life, are among the most widely discussed issues in bioethics at the present time. The out... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
M. A. Sahin

Games And Toys

Games, sports and play with toys are an important part of a fully rounded programme of education. We hope for the day when educational psychologists and other professionals in the field who believe in... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
Ali Unal

Killing for Religion

Modern Western consciousness is manipulated and, to some extent, entrapped, by slogans. Conceptions like democracy, freedom and human rights are only the three most effective of the slogan words which... read more..

Issue 14 (April - June 1996)
M. Fethullah Gulen

How Can We Argue, In General Terms, For The Existence Of Invisible Beings?

Since man’s sensory powers are limited, it is not wise to deny outright the existence of realms beyond our senses. Also, we know very little with respect to existence; what we know is considerably les... read more..

Issue 15 (July - September 1996)
M. Fethullah Gulen

The Nature We Have Destroyed

Nature is, in its particulars and as a whose, an exhibition of Divine miracles. However, rather than call it an exhibition, we prefer to call it a ‘book’. For we sense and study it as a book and obser... read more..

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