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Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 52 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
M. Fethullah Gulen

The Meaning of Life

Are all of life's hardships worth enduring? The answer depends on what our goal is in living. In fact, understanding life's purpose is a slow and absorbing process. We sense its mystery while reflecti... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Dr. S. Unlu

Synergy and Complementarity in the Universe

The far-reaching relationships between and among all living and non-living beings leaves one awestruck. Reflecting on these relationships, we see a ubiquitous manifestation of precise and timely provi... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Lucien F. Cosijns

Interreligious and Intercultural Dialog Guidelines

We believe the following: 1) Dialogue is only possible when we respect each other's individuality. Thus, knowledge of others in their cultural setting is essential. By recognizing and accepting socia... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Dr. Bedri Katipoglu

The Solution to Suicide

Why does humanity remain unhappy despite recent scientific and technological advances and the spread of modern services? Technology makes life easier, but human happiness and peace of mind have suffer... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Yasemin Acikel

The Battle for God

ABSTRACT: Armstrong explores the fundamentalist movements of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from the 1500s to the early 1990s. Not a day goes by without the media mentioning a fundamentalist attack... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Light of Belief and The Darkness of Unbelief

Surely We created humanity of the best pattern. Then We reduced humanity to the lowest of the low, except for those who believe and do good deeds. (95:4-5) In the following five points, we will e read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Zainab Goonay

Symmetry, Asymmetry, and Supersymmetry

Scientists have discovered that nature contains symmetry in such things as butterflies, snowflakes, and faces, as well as in its own laws. They also have discovered that at particular points, symmetry... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Rabia Savas


Autism is a complex developmental disability that affects some children either from birth or infancy, and leaves them unable to form normal social relationships or develop normal communication. It was... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Alphonse Dougan

Religion and Human Conflict

People disillusioned by false practices of faith, as well as the nonreligious, argue that religion brings only fear, misery, and bloodshed to humanity. This contradicts religion's very definition acco... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Salih Adem

A Criticism of St. Anselm: on God's Attributes

The Scriptures and Divine Revelation tell believers that God is All-Hearing and All-Seeing, that He hears and answers all prayers, hears His creatures' wishes and requests, sees our deeds, and sees wh... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Turkan Akman

Divine Love

Many love stories have been told throughout history. The strength of love enables one to fight deadly enemies, accomplish unbearable tasks, and unite with the beloved. They all have common points: two... read more..

Issue 33 (January - March 2001)
Hikmet Isik

What is the spirit, and how does it affect us?

Q: What is the spirit, and how does it affect us? A: There are many worlds, among them those of plants, animals, people, and jinn. Our visible, material world addresses itself to our senses, and is t... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Jay Willoughby

The Importance of Systems

Systems are integral to human life. We see so many in nature: cycles of birlh and death. seasonal changes, the food chain, evaporation and photosynthesis, and so on. Over time, as small groups of peop... read more..

Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
Jay Willoughby

Editorial (Issue 35)

Perceived Differences and Artifical Realities One of the greatest plagues of history has been our propensity to deny the reality of human unity by constructing artificial hierarchies of human value. ... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Civilization and the Confusion of Conceptions

Traditionally, civilization has been defined as the coexistence of people who come together around humanistic thoughts and feelings, and who are conscious of their being human. Since people naturally ... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Suheyla Sarac

Parenting Styles: How They Affect Children

Parenting is a most challenging yet rewarding experience. Baumrind, who studied parenting styles during the early 1960s, concluded that they differ in four important areas: parents' warmth/nurturance,... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Alvin C. Roseyard

Olfaction: Sensing the Scents

Most people believe that our perception depends heavily on sight and hearing, and therefore underrate our sense of smell. As this sense is rather subjective, for a long time it was considered a matter... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Rabia Savas

Sir Thomas More's Utopia

Socialist ideals have appeared in literature from Plato to Marx. In its midst is Sir Thomas More's Utopia, which links ancient and modern Utopias. Hythloday's fantasy island draws heavily on the Greek... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Hamza Balci

Super Conductivity: History and Applications

The field of superconductivity is characterized by unexpected discoveries. Despite its discovery almost 100 years ago and its many applications, it is still not understood fully. For example, the mech... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
James A. Bill

Islam Misunderstood Throughout the World

One of the three leading monotheistic religions in the world, Islam is a civilization practiced by 1.2 billion people. Easily the world's fastest growing religion, Islam is now a truly universal force... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Mahmut Kara

Rethinking Plato: Philisophical Idealism and Political Totalitarianism

Plato's (427-347 B.C.E.) political ideas remain influential. His idealist philosophy emphasizes ideas and ideals (independent of material and historical contexts), virtue vs. vice, and essential hum read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Jay Willoughby

Utopia as a Form of Madness

For a state to function successfully, its rulers must have a realistic vision. This is acquired by building trust with the people, formulating rational economic and development policies, controlling t... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

An Allegory of the Divine System

Two people travel together. At a fork in the road, they ask a wise old man which way to take. He replies: "The right fork requires observing the road's law and brings some security and happiness. The ... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
The Fountain


When interacting with others, always regard whatever pleases and displeases yourself as the measure. Wish that others may receive those things that are most pleasing to you, and do not forget t... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Hikmet Isik

Question and Answer

Question: How should we, especially those of us who are young, interact with the world? Answer: Today's social environment is overrun with temptation and desire. Although it is hard to imitate the Pr... read more..

Issue 34 (April - June 2001)
Ali Bicak

E-Mail Securitiy

E-mail, now the most pervasive Internet service available, began to be used by people even before they discovered the Web. Messaging Online states that there are about 569 million (electronic) mailbox... read more..

Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Why Darwinism Remains Popular

It is hard to find another theory that has been so discredited by scientists, and yet is still believed in by so many people, as Darwinism. The collapse of communism shows that “East” and “West” read more..

Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
Mustafa Ulusoy

Passing from Self-Other to Us

Therapists deal with emptiness, meaninglessness, and loneliness.(1) Patients say that emptiness is a painful and discomforting subjective experience. Lonely people often speak of feeling empty. One in... read more..

Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
Turkan Akman

Remember Mary in the Book

The Qur'an informs us of former Prophets and religious figures sent by God to proclaim His Oneness. Islam requires Muslims to acknowledge and respect these people, one of whom is Mary (Maryam), the mo... read more..

Issue 35 (July - September 2001)
Melih Mert

An Essay on Color

Light reveals a world of colors by painting everything it touches. Our plain and soulless furniture gains meaning. Our brown bookshelf, gray study table, green mug carpets, rugs, curtains the yellow read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 52