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Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 119 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Issue 63 (May - June 2008)
Hikmet Isik

Women Confined and Mistreated

Question: Some people claim that in Muslim societies, women are confined to their home and they are oppressed. Is there any truth in this claim? What is the position of women in family life and in soc... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
The Fountain

Suffering and Mercy

Last month marked a great loss in world literature; on June 10 Chingiz Aytmatov died. This author, who had earned worldwide fame, surrendered to his fate and left behind a long list of remarkable work... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Longing for Love

It seems that we have forgotten how to act like human beings. We are far removed from representing our unique status among all of existence. Despite all the qualities we possess which the angels envy,... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
M. Fatih Yilmaz

Confinement Systems for Fusion

The world’s energy sources are limited and in four or five decades they will be in short supply. However, the world’s increasing energy demands have led scientists to investigate alternative energy so... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Firat Kocol

Al Feliz Pescador

As I stroll in the park on a Saturday afternoon, I enjoy the gentle touch of sunrays coming through the trees. A flute is playing Bach’s Badinerie in the distance. It is a beautiful day. I find a warm... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Melih Cubuklu

Bacteria: The Real Stewards of the Environment

As a result of campaigns that have been led by number of celebrities, we are now aware that it is us, human beings, who have contaminated earth. As a result, the general public now has an increased aw... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Yuksel A. Aslandogan

The Appeal of the Qur'an to Observation and Reason

Humans are endowed with the faculties of reason and intellect, and to ask them to abandon their intellectual faculties in developing their faith and relationship with God would be inconsistent with th... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Yigit Alarcin

Darwinism and Altruism, Is There A Problem?

In Darwin’s theory of the survival of the fittest, those individuals best adapted to their environments are most likely to live another day and are therefore more likely to reproduce. Consequently, th... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Samuel Riccobene

Neighborliness Common Ground for the Children of Abraham

Perhaps the most famous of all of the parables of Jesus is the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37). Jesus told parables, or stories, to convey a moral meaning. His parables were told so that... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Alice Bolton

Crime in the Mind of Dostoyevsky

The theoretical study of crime, due to its potential to provide us with a way to understand the human mind, has been one of the topics that have attracted the greatest interest in human philosophy. On... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
M. Fethullah Gulen

Qalb (Heart) - 2

Belief is the life of the heart; worship is the blood flowing in its veins; and reflection, self-supervision, and self-criticism are the foundations of its permanence. The heart of an unbeliever is de... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Mirkena Ozer

A Pair of New Shoes

A pair of young feet in a pair of very old shoes walked along an awfully muddy road. The nine-year-old girl prayed with every squelch of the mud, “Isn’t it time for a new pair of shoes yet? Oh please,... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Arif Osmanli

Radar-Evading Moths

Members of the animal kingdom are equipped with amazing features. Every species has a particular gift for communication, feeding, or defense. They communicate through various means, such as smell, vib... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Janibek Alpishev

Scope of the Scientific Method and What Remains Beyond

Once Newton published his Principia in 1687, the world was never the same again. In a mere 750 pages a brand new world was presented where the same law governed both the falling of an apple and a gala... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Mesut Sahin

Is the Suffering in the World in Agreement with God's Mercy?

To some individuals who want to believe, in particular, young minds, the pain and suffering that exist in the world today do not seem to be compatible with the Mercy of a Loving God. It is just too di... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Ihsan Omeroglu

A Journey into Our Body with B12

Vitamins are organic (carbon-based) compounds that are necessary in tiny amounts for the biochemical activities that take place in our body. Since vitamins cannot be synthesized in our body (except fo... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Salih Uslu

Sources of Happiness

Happiness is a subjective concept that evades accurate definitions or objective measurements. Social scientists, philosophers, and ordinary people have different perspectives when they are asked to de... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Kaan Kerem

On the Unscientific Basis of the Crusade of Some Scientists against Religion

The voices as well as popularity of certain anti-religion scientists have increased lately. Such figures as evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins1 and neuroscience researcher Samuel Harris2 enjoy fam... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Irfan Yilmaz

It's me, Peter, your Stomach!

Dear Peter, when your heart was telling you about itself in the previous issue (and perhaps you got a bit annoyed with him) I realized that it was talking for your own good. It not only was giving you... read more..

Issue 64 (July - August 2008)
Hikmet Isik

We should think well of others

People’s way of thinking shapes their behavior. The way they are is parallel to how they think, and is connected to their potential. While a person keeps looking at things or events from the perspecti... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
The Fountain

Adaptation to Conditions

In August when the world’s focus was fixed on the most costly ever Olympic Games in Beijing (estimated costs to be over $40 billion), the ugly face of war was seen in another part of the world as news... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
M. Fethullah Gulen

From Bright Yesterday to Bright Tomorrows

For centuries we have enjoyed commitment to a belief in eternity, and the atmosphere we inhaled every moment was filled with eternal considerations. Each of our pursuits triggered in us feelings from ... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Omer Arifagaoglu

The Adaptation in the Senses

For centuries we have enjoyed commitment to a belief in eternity, and the atmosphere we inhaled every moment was filled with eternal considerations. Each of our pursuits triggered in us feelings from ... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Kathleen St.onge

On the Perfecting of a Prophet

It is one of the articles of faith of Islam to believe in the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. So when anyone casts a shadow on his character, the Muslim world feels deeply antagonized. Yet some r... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Nuh Aydin

Some Logical Principles in the Qur'an

When we read the Qur’an, we notice that it appeals to human reasoning and invites us to reason. Among many verses in this regard, consider these: “How little you reflect” (A’raf 7:3), “God sets those ... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Bekir Mugayitoglu

Biogas as a Clean Energy

Recent years have witnessed rapid industrialization and population growth, along with profligate consumption of energy. This in turn has triggered enormous increase in energy production based on non-r... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Mirkena Ozer

Tears of Regret

I was sitting at the dining table, minding my own business, that is, struggling to read a novel too tricky for a fifteen-year-old girl like me, when the doorbell brought me back to reality. My older s... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Osman Cakmak

The Horizon of Science

Atoms and molecules function at the foundation of the entire visible universe and its emerging characteristics. Our nutritional needs of sugar, fats and proteins are made up by atoms merging. For exam... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Yuksel A. Aslandogan

Fasting in Ramadan and Developing Self-Control

Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It is sometimes referred to as the “Sultan of the 11 months... read more..

Issue 65 (September - October 2008)
Allen S. Maller

Reflections on the Children of Israel and the Qur'an

The Qur’an is the only book of revelation that includes within itself a theory of prophethood which includes other religions. There have always been (since the days of Adam) people inspired by God who... read more..

Results 61 - 90 of 119